How to Choose a Color Therapy Practitioner

How to Choose a Color Therapy Practitioner

Color therapy is a holistic health practice used to address physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. It is an excellent way to create balance in your life and is considered by many to be an essential element in developing a holistically healthy lifestyle.


Learn how it works. Color therapy is based on the physical properties of color and the idea that each color has its own length and vibration. Color therapy practitioners believe that because we absorb light through our skin, we also absorb color. If this color is harnessed and used correctly, it can exert a positive effect on our health.


Learn which conditions can be treated with color therapy. Many believe that color therapy treats a variety of conditions and should also be used as a means of relaxation. However, color therapy should be used as a complementary therapy rather than as a replacement for traditional medicine.


Decide if color therapy is right for you. Color therapy practitioners advise that the therapy is not something you simply go and have done to you. Color is all around us and a color therapist practitioner assists you in manipulating your lifestyle to benefit from the healing aspects that color has to offer.


Obtain a referral from your physician. If your physician does not support alternative medicine, contact a local licensed massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, acupuncturist or other holistic health care providers for a referral.